You may think that only the northern part of Nigeria grows tomatoes, but I can tell you that anybody, in anywhere can grow tomato provided you are well informed, well planned and have done all the necessary things. Tomato species were originated in Central and South America. The Nahuatl (Aztec language) word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word “tomate “, from which the English word tomato originates. Its use as a food originated in Mexico, and spread throughout the world following the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
However, the Spanish explorers brought in tomato into Spain and it was later taken to Morocco, Turkey, and Italy. In Italy and France, it was termed “love apple”. It was then, generally believed that the tomato was poisonous and its use as a food crop was only accepted in the 18th century. In this article, we will only be discussing on selling your tomato locally; that is within Nigeria.

Tomato Farming in Requirement
  1. Find a perfect site for your tomato Farming - Choose a site that is not too far from the market. Also, there should be an easy transportation access available, in other to have an easy way of transporting your tomatoes when the time comes; after harvesting.
  2. Choose a health land/soil for your tomato farming - The soil could be a well-managed sandy loam and heavy clay loams free of hardpan but know that the best tomatoes are obtained from deep, well-drained loam. Keep in mind that the soil should be rich in organic matter and it should be endowed with plant nutrients, with a pH value of 6 to 7. the soil should be well-prepared, loose and in good tilth. The soil should be cleared of all weeds and might be ploughed (if heavy) for about 1-3 times to make it light weights.
  3. Choose the right tomato varieties - In Nigeria, the varieties of tomatoes in Nigeria can be classified with their shapes, local names and places of cultivation. They are Variety Local Name Place of cultivation Tomatoes Shapes; round, oblong, pointed tip, scissors, folded in the base. It is recommended that you plant the Roma tomato (which is a plum tomato because of its slender and firm nature). It is commonly used in Nigeria, also popular and has no objection with climate.
  1. Nurse Your Tomato - The way to plant your tomato is by first planting it in the nursery, then later transplanting to the field. Make sure you prepare the nursery bed for a period of about 5 weeks. Know that your seedbed should be 55-65cm wide, 5-6cm long and 20-25cm high Planting your tomatoes can be done around March/April during the beginning of raining season. After planting, you will see them growing in the next 5-7 days then allow it to grow for about one month or 5 weeks before transplanting to the field.
  1. Transplant Your Tomatoes to Field - After one month or five weeks of planting your tomato in the nursery then you can now freely plant them in the field. Tomatoes are very tender and fragile, it is best transplanted the same day you uprooted it from the nursery to avoid dehydration and fatigue. the seedbeds should be irrigated regularly after sowing and until the seedlings reach a height of 5 to 7 cm.
  2. Irrigate Your Tomato Farm - Between the month of October and February, make sure you constantly supply your water with enough water; like in every 3-7 day’s interval (depending on the type of soil). Know that you shouldn’t put too much water on it to prevent them from cracking.
  3. Weed and Fertilize Your Tomato Farm - After one to two months of transplanting your tomatoes from the nursery, you should consider weeding your tomato farm. You should be careful as you weed to prevent damages on your tomato crop. More preferable, use Chemical weed control, by applying registered chemicals. If you intend to use Mechanical methods to weed, it should be shallow and not too close to the plant; to prevent damages to the plants.
Fertilizer should be applied after the first weeding. This is to help restock the soil nutrients taken or affected by the weeds. The fertilizer should have contents like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, potash, molybdenum, calcium, and magnesium, along with other trace minerals, all in adequate quantity. Tomato requires these minerals to grow and flourish.
  1. Control Pests and Diseases in Your Tomato Farm - Example of some tomatoes pests and diseases are: Plusia looper, Cutworm Rust mite, Red spider mite, Nematodes, Aphids, Leaf miner/potato tuber, moth\Bacterial wilt etc. These pests and diseases can be controlled by: Cultural practices (Practicing crop rotation), chemical methods etc.
  2. Harvest You Tomatoes - Tomatoes will mature after 3 months that is about 8-12 weeks. The colour also should also tell you that it is ripe. You should pick your ripe tomatoes according to size, colour, and quality.
  3. Store Your Tomatoes - Pack your tomatoes in wooden boxes, basket or cartons. Store them in a room which temperature is about 12°C and 86% to 90% relative humidity.
  4. Market Your Tomatoes

(2018, June 7). Retrieved from J&P park Acqisitions: https://www/
Hybrid Tomato Variety for Tropical Cultivation. (2014, September 9). Retrieved from Fresh Plaza:
Olayinka, O. (2017, January 9). Tomato Farming in Nigeria. Retrieved from Arfica Business Classroom:
Seeds - Tomatoes - Domestic. (2018, June 5). Retrieved from Royalseed:
Sideman, B. (2018, January 17). Growing Vegetables Tomatoes Facts. Retrieved from The University of New Hampshire:
 Short Quiz:
Which of the Tomato breed do you know gives the best reddish colour when cooked?

Lagos – Five Nigerian students, representing the country at the First Global Robotic Olympiad (GRO), on Saturday boasted of coming home with three gold medals at the competition. The competition was scheduled to hold in Mexico from Aug. 13 to Aug. 19. NAN reports that the students are expected to leave Nigeria for Mexico on Saturday evening to join the 193 teams from 187 countries for the competition. A team of seven students that represented the country in the maiden edition of the competition in Washington DC, U.S in 2017, came third out of 41 African countries that participated in the competition. They were ranked 25th out of 162 countries across the world and they also got two other awards.
The students, in interviews with NAN, said that their sacrifices, hard work and commitment during the preparation gave them assurance of winning gold medals. A 16-year-old Anjolaoluwa Olowokere of Lagoon Secondary School, Aja, Lagos, said that the team had worked hard in planning, designing and building their robotics.
“This is a global robotic competition and the team is well prepared for it.
“We are extremely happy to represent the country. We are going to bring home three gold medals.
“I am confident we will get a gold medal in the ‘Zhangzheng Award of Engineering Design’, one of the award categories.
“It is an award given to the country or team with the best engineering design of robotics.
“Another award category, I am confident of is the ‘First Global Alliance Award’ where three teams or countries come together to form an alliance where the best country wins.
“We can only hope that with everything we have done and with God on our side, we will come out victorious,” Olowokere said.
Also, Dodie Iroaganachi, 17 of Queens College, Lagos, said:
“ We hope to come out top 10 among the 193 teams from 187 countries,’’ Iroaganachi said.
Commenting, Samuel Mbah, 16 of Osezele Comprehensive Senior School, Lagos, said that the team would perform creditably well in the competition.
Mbah said that they had put in their best during preparation for the competition, adding that they would make the country and their sponsors, Aramex Technology, proud.
Also, Faisal Jarmakani, the Managing Director of Aramex and Doculand Nig., had at a news conference in Lagos, said that the 2018 challenge in Mexico would be on “Energy Impact”. According to him, competitors will be expected to solve problems related to energy with the use of robotics.
Jarmakani said that all the students were building foundation blocks for a technology-advanced Nigeria.
“Without any doubt, we will soon join other countries of the world where science and technology have become the backbone of economic development,’’ he said. (NAN)

Erin-Ijesha Waterfall, which is also known as Olumirin Waterfalls, is a tourist attraction located in Erin Ijesha, Osun State.The waterfall is 2km off Erin Ijesha town. According to one of the custodians of the waterfall, it was discovered by a woman called Akinla, founder of Erin-Ijesha town and a granddaughter of Oduduwa, the progenitor of the Yoruba race, in the year 1140 AD during the migration of Ife people to Erin- Ijesa. Legend has it that when it was first discovered, the waterfall had the appearance of a mysterious figure.
Erin-ijesa as part of south western Nigeria falls within the tropical climatic belt with alternating hot dry and warm humid seasons. Atmospheric temperatures only slightly from 30-340C ranges while the annual rainfall averages 1500cm.
“It was believed to be a living spirit through whose several mouths water gushed out; a very tall and huge spirit whose height reached to the high heavens. The inhabitants therefore named the fall Olumirin.
“They thought this was another god whose power over the whole area was only similar to Akinla, the founder of Erin Ijesha town.”
Climbing the waterfall
According to a tourist who has visited the waterfalls, “it doesn’t look like anything out of this world until you begin climbing the seven levels of the ascending plains of the waterfalls.
“So, we begin the climbing, the view at all the levels is wonderful and the freshness of the water is energizing. However, the last and seventh level is definitely the most intriguing, well that’s if you ever dared the torturous climb.”
The tour guard seeing the panting of some of us said only few tourists can climb beyond the second layer.
He said: “Climbing up to the third level can best be equated to traipsing the snowy steeply Mount Everest.
“The area can also serve for mountaineering exercise. Obviously, being at these different levels and just basking in the invigorating freshness of the falls is an unforgettable experience.”
But guess what? The place to be is definitely the seventh level. Why? Not only does it lie at the peak of the falls, it  also hosts a settlement where many of its inhabitants have lived for several years!” Still another enraptured tourist could only wax poetic when he was confronted with the sheer splendour of nature at Olumirin. “I could not resist the seduction of this beauty, for Olumirin Water Falls is craft of supreme architecture.
Overcoming his  inertia, one of the trio plunged deep into the fresh flowing fountain, burying his  fears and anxieties in the clear water. This was the first fall. Each fall distinctly marks the mystical propensity of the fountain. Its ability to sieve out the adventurous from the lilly-livered enjoys universal acclaim.
“Ascending the first steps that point to the first fall is usually for all. Though its dancing bridge and the mould covered greenish stones leave a bare feet squirming in pain, yet the first fall is all embracing. Like a mother, she opens her bosom for all visitors to the fall to soup from her clear spring.
It’s after this that the ascent to the second fall begins. We made it to the second fall. “We had erroneously believed that we had seen the best of Olumirin Water Fall. But we saw nothing in the first fall. The second fall was out of this world, we came to appreciate why we are human, not an animal.
A tourist, Wale Folarin, narrating his experience at the falls said “My eyes beheld beauty. I saw, touched and tasted beauty. I flew off on the wings of contemplation. As the water like a snake lazily sliced through the heights, it picked up velocity that slapped the flesh, pumping out like an imprisoned rebel through the thickness of the woods. The third fall was something else…”
Yet another dazed visitor said, “The breeze at the waterfall is cool and refreshing, the water flows among rocks and splashes down with great force to the evergreen vegetation around. The whole scenery is fascinating.
Erin-Ijesha Waterfall’s Myth
Erin Ijesha water falls was dicovered in the year 1140AD. It has 7 stages and 3 major falls.Legend has it that after the death of Oduduwa, the people of present day Erin-Ijesha migrated from Ile-Ife.This migration was led by a lady called Yeye Aye Akinla who consulted the Ifa Oracle on how it would go. The Ifa Oracle’s chief priest informed her that after 17 days of trekking out of Ile-Ife, wherever she got to would be the new home for her and her followers.Off Yeye Akinla went with her followers on their journey and on the seventeenth day, just as the chief priest said, they arrived at Erin Ijesha. Then it was called Erin Itadogun loosely translated as ‘the 17 day journey’. They settled down and lived a happy life.
Hunters seem to find everything in Yoruba stories!!! This little clan had been living in Erin-Ijesha and didn’t know there was a ‘river’ (the waterfalls). A hunter went looking for game and came across it. With so much fear in his heart, he ran to Yeye and told her he had seen another god. She asked “Nwon ni awon ti ri Oluwa Mirin’ (where did you see another god? this is where the name Olumirin comes from).
Quickly, she summoned the Ifa priest and asked him about this so called god the hunter claimed to have found. The priest then told her it wasn’t a god but the handiwork of God and to show how marvelous and great He is.
He then instructed them to worship the river every year and this turned into a festival where human sacrifices were made. This continued till Yeye Akinla died.
After her death, her son became king and put an end to the human sacrifices and instead used cows. This continued from king to king until 1959 when HRH Oba Stephen Adeyinka Adeosun took over and cancelled everything all together. He also showed off the waterfall to the government of the Western Region headed by Chief Obafemi Awolowo and it has been used for domestic purposes and tourism ever since then.

And that is the story behind the legendary Erin Ijesha waterfalls. Have you heard any other stories? What were they?
Write it in the space below…

A team of teenage girls representing Nigeria has defeated teams from the United States of America (USA), Spain, Turkey, Uzbekistan and China to win the 2018 Technovation world pitch junior division in San Francisco, USA. The team Save-A-Soul from Nigeria developed a mobile application called ‘FD Detector’ to tackle the problem of fake pharmaceutical products in the country.
The young Nigerian girls were selected from 2,000 mobile app developers to represent Africa at the world pitch. This is the first time a Junior Nigerian team will emerge among the finalists to visit Silicon Valley and the Nigerian teenage girls will be pitching their app to investors in Silicon Valley, California.
Technovation is a program that invites girls to identify a problem in their communities and then challenge them to solve them by developing apps. According to Team Save-A-Soul, Nigeria has one of the largest markets for fake drugs. The teenage girls from Anambra State plan to partner with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), using the app, to tackle this challenge.
The team, on Thursday night, came first at the finals after facing judges from around the world.

Meeting started by 3pm
Nomination of new executives for AGEESS Editorial
Editorial structure and operation

The new executives are
Editor-in-chief : Tobi Michael Olaniyi
Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Hon. Ogunniran Taiwo Aquila
General secretary : Hon. Alabi Matthew Ayodele
P.R.O: Olatoyosi Temilola Beatrice
Structure and Operation
1. Two boards are now available for the editorial to publish her articles namely; the AGEESS Editorial board and the NSE board. The AGEESS Editorial will contain major publications of the week like latest agricultural innovation, interviews, face of the week etc. While the NSE board will contain publications that require readers feedback like puzzle, quiz, opinion poll etc.
2. Editorial will open a blog for AGEESS Editorials, Facebook page and retrieve the details of the existing Instagram account.
Editorial will makes publications on the blog and the social media (including AGEESS whatsapp groups) Platforms available.
The PDF format of the weekly publications can be made available on the social media platforms.
3. Magazine will be produced monthly/sessional that will contain publications of the month/session.
Publication title and writing style should be attractive for readers interest.
4. Interview with lecturers will hold at regular time intervals to intimate the students with their lecturers.
Abstract of lecturers' publications: articles and journals will be published on the editorial boards.
To intimate the students with the lecturers the list of lecturers and their profile will be published on the editoial board.
5. To ensure a continuous editorial team, more members will be admitted into the  editorial.

Budget / Expense
1. Fixing of the Ageess editorial board, which would entail buying of lock and changing the plywood on which publications are pined.
2.Printing articles per week
3. Internet subscription cost to upload (interviews videos, pictures, artcles) on social media platform.
4. Stationeries - book, cardboard, pins, files, pen and markers.
5. Get together allowance at the end of each semester.
The meeting ended 4:10

For dignity
I went to varsity
Never to be a nonentity
Cos I want to be a celebrity

For dignity
I ensure sanctity
In all productivity
And protecting my proximity

For dignity
I try not to be dirty
Just for purity
To help my personality

 For dignity
I improve my Functionality
And sobriety
In all and not an entity

 For dignity
I may not have Plenty
But have got Something
Fending my identity
For dignity
I need Clarity
Not for cruelty
But for Unity

For dignity
Not for quantity
Rather for quality
To last For eternity


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